Pawling Recreation
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Welcome to Pawling Recreation

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Pawling Recreation is proud to provide you with our activity registration system and website. To get started please Create an Account with all your household information. The data provided - emergency contacts, medical information, etc. - will help us better serve you. This info will also be automatically placed into your registration forms.

When you’re ready to start registering for
activities, be sure to review the How to Register for an Activity page.

Office Hours:
Monday-Friday from 9:00am-4:00pm
Holiday hours may differ

Park Hours:Dawn - Dusk

Contact Info:
(845) 855-1131

Recreation Director: Robyn Priano

Checks can be made out to "Town of Pawling".

Credit Card Convenience Fee: There is a 3% convenience fee on your total balance at the end of your transaction.  The program fee will be billed by Pawling Recreation & Parks, and the processing fee will be billed by RegFee Payments  The town does not collect or keep the convenience fees. Credit card refunds will be given as an account credit. Convenience fees are not refundable.

The following rules and regulations shall apply to all parks in the Town as well as to undeveloped recreation areas:
  1. Town parks and recreation areas shall be opened for public use between sunrise and sunset unless other open hours are posted at any park.
  2. Properly licensed dogs, wearing a license tag and vaccinated against rabies pursuant to the laws of the State of New York and Town of Pawling and restrained by a leash or other restraint not exceeding six feet in length, may be brought into a park, except in no event shall dogs or other animals be allowed to enter any playground, ballfield, basketball court, handball court, tennis court, or other area posted as off-limits by the Town. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit persons with disabilities from bringing service animals into a park as authorized by federal, state, or local law.
  3. It shall be the duty of each dog owner or each person in possession, custody or control of a dog to remove any feces left by his/her dog on any public area in any Town park.
  4. No person shall cut, deface, injure, remove or disturb any tree, shrub, building, fence, bench or any other structure, apparatus or property; or pick, cut or remove any shrub, brush or flower; or mark or write upon any building, fence, bench, signs or other structures.
  5. No profane or abusive language shall be used in any Town park.
  6. No persons shall sell or offer for sale any goods unless a permit to do so has been issued by the Recreation Department and a peddler's license has been issued by the Town Clerk
  7. No persons shall paste, post, paint, print, nail or attach or affix by any means whatsoever any handbill, poster, notice, sign, advertisement, sticker or other printed material upon any curb, gutter, flagstone, tree, lamppost, public utility pole, public garbage bin, bus shelter, bridge, fence, barrel, box, traffic control device, traffic stanchion, traffic sign (including pole), tree box, tree pit protection device, bench, traffic barrier, hydrant, or upon the ground; however, this section shall not apply to any handbill, poster, notice, sign, advertisement, sticker or other printed material so posted by or under the direction of the Town Board, or by or under the direction of any Town department, or pursuant to a franchise, concession or revocable consent granted by the Town Board.
  8. No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted in the park area except during activities sponsored by the Town that permit alcoholic beverages, or in accordance with a Town issued Alcohol Control Plan and permit.
  9. No smoking in any park.
  10. Betting or gambling of any type is prohibited.
  11. Organized baseball games will be permitted only on diamonds set aside for this activity. Playing catch and other similar activities are permitted in other areas of the park, provided that there is no risk of thrown or batted balls hitting other park users.
  12. Hitting golf balls is prohibited, except in designated areas
  13. No persons shall erect any recreation or play equipment in any park unless a written permit to do so has been issued by the Town.
  14. All fires, including those in grills, fire pits and fireplaces, are prohibited except for fires in grills, fire pits and fireplaces provided by the Town for that purpose in a park facility.
  15. The possession, ignition or discharge of fireworks, sparking devices or incendiary devices is prohibited.
  16. No camping without a written permit from the Town.
  17. No firearms, air guns, bows and arrows or any dangerous weapons are permitted, except that firearms lawfully in possession, if holstered or cased, may be carried through a Town park.
  18. No hunting or trapping.
  19. Throwing or leaving refuse in or on a Town park, other than in receptacles there provided for trash, is prohibited.
  20. No unlicensed motorized vehicles, including motorcycles, motorbikes, snowmobiles, minibikes, all-terrain vehicles, etc., shall be operated or parked in a Town park area outside designated roadways or designated parking areas. Licensed motor vehicles are only permitted on drives and parking areas.
  21. No vehicles shall be operated in a Town park at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour, unless a lower speed limit is posted.
  22. No overnight parking of motor vehicles in any park area.
  23. Privately owned boats, rafts or other artificial means of support on water shall only be allowed entry upon waters in designated areas.
  24. No swimming in any park, unless in designated areas and an season pass has been obtained through the Recreation Department.
  25. No persons shall enter upon any ice in any park.
  26. No entertainment or exhibition of any kind shall be given without a written permit from the Town.
  27. No person shall throw stones or other projectiles.
  28. No persons shall ride a horse or pony in any park.