Pawling Recreation
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Beach Week 2023!!!

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.

beach week info

What to Bring to Beach Week:
  • Mark all personal belongings with name.
  • Bathing suit, sneakers (mandatory), sandals (optional).
  • Towel, sunscreen & water (bottles that can be re-filled).
  • Lunch appropriate for summer camp.
  • Lunches cannot be refrigerated or heated at camp.
What NOT to Bring to Beach Week:
  • Electronics: We adhere to a strict policy of no electronics or use of personal cell phones while at beach week (only exception may be if your child’s group is doing a special activity with advance notification)...We will be device free this summer: LEAVE ALL ELECTRONICS AT HOME!
  • Your child MUST communicate with parents through the proper channel at beach week (a camp director or counselor), not through a personal device. Please call the Recreation Office to communicate messages to or about your child.
  • Toys or personal belongings from home (unless otherwise directed from camp for a specific activity).
  • Camp is not responsible for the loss of any personal or valuable belongings.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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